Department of Law

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Latest International Activities

Date Location Topic Professor
27.11.2023 Nanjing, Nanjing University, Johns-Hopkins-Center Presentation:德国的财政宪法与欧盟的财政框架 (Deutsche Finanzverfassung und europäischer Rechtsrahmen), Prof. Dr. Gesk
29.10.2023 Beijing, CUPL (China University of Political Science and Law Presentation: Adjustments of German Criminal Law to the Challenges of Cyber Crime, Beijing, CUPL (China University of Political Science and Law): Opportunities and Challenges for Criminal Justice in the Era of Internet Prof. Dr. Gesk
28.10.2023 Taipei, China Presentation: 德國後疫情時代,人工智慧對法體系與立法的影響 (Vom Einfluss der KI auf Rechtssystem und Gesetzgebung in Zeiten der Post-Pandemie), Taipei: AI & Law, AI Financial Governance & AI Basic Act and Generative Act Prof. Dr. Gesk
20.10.2023 Beijing, CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences刑法发展与改革的重要性 (Das Recht auf Resozialisierung – von der Wichtigkeit bundesgerichtlicher Rechtsprechung für Entwicklung und Reform des Strafrechts), Beijing, CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Law Institute: Modernization and Rule of Law: Chinese Practice ), Law Institute Presentation: 再社会化的权利——联邦级法院对刑法发展与改革的重要性 (Das Recht auf Resozialisierung – von der Wichtigkeit bundesgerichtlicher Rechtsprechung für Entwicklung und Reform des Strafrechts), Beijing, CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Law Institute: Modernization and Rule of Law: Chinese Practice and International Prof. Dr. Gesk
16.10.2023 Hefei, Anhui University, China Presentation: 数字犯罪对德国实体刑法改革的影响及其在程序中的贯彻 (Einflüsse des Cyber Crime auf die Reform des deutschen materiellen Strafrechts und deren Durchsetzung im Strafverfahren), Prof. Dr. Gesk
10.10.2023 Hefei, Anhui University, China Presentation: 刑事侦查中的嫌疑与或然率 (Verdacht und Wahrscheinlichkeit im Strafverfahren) Prof. Dr. Gesk
22.09.2023 Helsinki, Finland Presentation: How to Formulate an Economic Policy and Get National Funding, Helsinki, ECLS (European Chinese Legal Studies Association) Annual Conference, Panel 21: Policy Implementation through Different Levels of Government Prof. Dr. Gesk
28.08.2023 Beijing, BTBU (Beijing Technology and Business University, China Presentation: 数字化与能源转型的融资 (Finanzierung von Digitalisierung und Energiewende) Prof. Dr. Gesk
25.08.2023 Bengbu, AUFE (Anhui University of Finance and Economics), China Presentation: 法学教育与课程设计——中国法学程 (Juristische Lehre und Kursplanung – Metastudiengang Chinesisches Recht) Prof. Dr. Gesk
23.08.2023 Hefei, AHU (Anhui University), China Presentation: 数字化的融资模式——预算、特别预算、特别财产 (Modelle zur Finanzierung der Digitalisierung – Haushalt, Sonderhaushalt, Sondervermögen) Prof. Dr. Gesk
21.08.2023 Hefei, AHU (Anhui University), China Presentation: 刑法对数据的保护 (Strafrechtlicher Schutz von Daten), Hefei, AHU (Anhui University): Reform und Entwicklung von Recht im Zeitalter von Big Data Prof. Dr. Gesk
18.08.2023 – 31.08.2023 Nanjing University, Anhui Universit, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bejing Technology and Business University Research trip: ChiP-NI (Chinese Project: New Infrastructure) Prof. Dr. Gesk
29.06.2023 Siegmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria Lecture: Digital Content Directive & EU Insolvency Law Directive: New Union Law Requirements for (Software) License Agreements Prof. Dr. McGuire
20.06.2023 Kansai University, Osaka, Japan Presentation: „Das Konzept der Sicherungsverwahrung in Deutschland“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
17.06.2023 Chuo-University, Tokyo, Japan Presentation: "Argumente gegen die Todesstrafe und Alternativen zur Todesstrafe bei schweren Straftaten – die lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
15.06.2023 Chuo-University, Tokyo, Japan Presentation: "Grenzen des Strafrechts: Rechtstheoretische und interdisziplinär geprägte Überlegungen zu einer machttheoretisch fundierten Rechtslehre“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
12.-13.06.2023 Seoul, South Korea Workshop: Lecture on private enforcement in European law Prof. Dr. Jan Oster
05.06.2023 Hefei, AHU (Anhui University), China Presentation: 数字治理与信息保护之间的德国行政法 (Verwaltungsrecht zwischen e-governance und Datenschutz) Prof. Dr. Gesk
21.03.-24.03.2023 University of Szeged, Budapest, Hungary Presentation: Cybercrime and organized crime Prof. Dr. Sinn
13.03.2023 European Legal Studies Institute, University of Osnabrück Workshop: German-Japanese Workshop on Platform Regulation Prof. Dr. Busch
Keio-University, Tokyo, Japan Presentation: „Compliance-Maßnahmen als Grund für eine Straffreistellung?“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
Presentation: „Zur Reform der Suizidhilfe in Deutschland“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
Presentation: „Das strafrechtliche Verfolgungskonzept gegen Organisierte Kriminalität in Deutschland“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
21.03.-24.03.2023 University of Szeged, Budapest, Hungary Presentation: Cybercrime and organized crime Prof. Dr. Sinn
13.03.2023 European Legal Studies Institute, University of Osnabrück Workshop: German-Japanese Workshop on Platform Regulation Prof. Dr. Busch
11.02.2023 Sorbonne University, Paris, France Presentation: Study on administration and law in ancient ruling orders Prof. Dr. Groß
03.12.2022 European Legal Studies Institute, University of Osnabrück Presentation: Towards an open, efficient and independent EU Administration? Teresa Pareja Sánchez (Visiting Guest Reseacher, professorship: Prof. Dr. Groß)
since 2022 University of Lyon, France and University of Ferrara, Italy Lectures: Trilateral lecture Prof. Dr. Lampert
2.12.2022 Conference “Defeating Disinformation”, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston, USA Presentation: Fragmentation or Standardization? Is a Global Approach to Content Moderation Possible Prof. Dr. Busch
24.11.2022 Korea Legislation Research Institute, Seoul, Korea Presentation: The Digital Services Act: Towards a New Regulatory Framework for the Platform Economy in Europe Prof. Dr. Busch
21.11.2022 Korea Fair Trade Commission, Seoul, Korea Presentation: The Proposal for an EU General Product Safety Regulation Prof. Dr. Busch
16.11.2022 International Product Safety Week, European Commission, Brussels Presentation: Quo vadis e-commerce: What’s next for product safety? Prof. Dr. Busch
12.11.2022 Bengbu, China Symposium: Alternative Methods in Legal Hermeneutics: On the Construction of Meaning in Law - Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences and Semiotics Alternative Methods in Legal Hermeneutics: On the Construction of Meaning in Law - Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences and Semiotics Alternative Methods in Legal Hermeneutics: On the Construction of Meaning in Law - Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences and Semiotics Semiotik (另类的法律解释:如何建构法学上的意义?以社会科学质的研究法和符号学为例),Legal interpretation in comparative law, Anhui University of Finance and Economics Prof. Dr. Gesk
12.11.2022 Renmin University, Beijing Symposium: The dialogue on the rule of law and its preconditions关于法治国家的对话及其先决条件, Looking back to the 1970s and the process of globalization - change through exchange and Sino-German/European intercultural cooperation Prof. Dr. Gesk
11.11.2022 American Law Institute Restatement of the Law, Consumer Contracts (Advisers Meeting) Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
11.11.2022 Peking University/ Beijing Symposium: Possibility and realization of legal cooperation in practice, 50 years of Sino-German relations Prof. Dr. Gesk
08.11.2022 Vienna, Austria Presentation: The delegability of the managerial duties of the association board Prof. Dr. Leuschner
04.11.2022 Conference “The Future of European Private Law”, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Presentation: Common Regulation without Common Private Law? EU Platform Regulation and European Private Law Prof. Dr. Busch
24.10.2022 Centre on Regulation in Europe, Brussels Presentation: eIDAS 2.0 – Digital Identity Services in the Platform Economy Prof. Dr. Busch
06.10.2022 Taipei (台北) Symposium: The application of AI in German finance and its normative problems 德國金融對AI 的運用及其規範問題), 5th International Conference on AI and Law 2022,(2022 第五屆人工智慧與法律國際學術研討會一場AI 與法律的國際思辨:「智慧金融之法律衝擊」), International Artificial Intelligence and Law Research Foundation (財團法人人工智慧法律國際研究基金會) Prof. Dr. Gesk
06.10.2022 European Law Academy, Trier Presentation: Risks for Consumers in the Digital Subscription Economy Prof. Dr. Busch
01.10.2022 Yale ISP 25th Reunion, Yale Law School, New Haven, USA Presentation: From Algorithmic Transparency to Algorithmic Choice, Prof. Dr. Busch
Winter term 2022 China University of Political Science and Law Lectures: Comparative Criminal Procedure Law (Faculty of Criminal Justice), German Criminal Justice System (Graduate Institute) Prof. Dr. Gesk
Winter term 2022 Graduate Institute, Faculty of Law, Anhui University Lectures: Introduction to german law and Introduction to German Criminal Law" Prof. Dr. Gesk
Winter term 2022 German-Chinese Law Institute, Nanjing University Lectures: German Criminal Law (general section) Prof. Dr. Gesk
Winter term 2022 Johns Hopkins Institute, Univeristy of Najing Lectures: European Perspectives on Migration Prof. Dr. Gesk
September 2022 Trnava, Slovakia Erasmus-Lectures: Presentation: Research on procurement autonomy in EU public procurement law Pia Ahlers (research assistant and doctoral student, professorship: Prof. Dr. Dörr)
28.9.2022 Conference “TrustCon 2022”, Palo Alto, USA Presentation: Content moderation – it’s not just platforms anymore Prof. Dr. Busch
23.09.2022 Copenhagen, Denmark Symposium: Legal Problems Arising from Abuse of Health APP, 16th Annual Conference, ECLS Prof. Dr. Gesk
23.09.2022 Copenhagen, Denmark (16th Annual Conference, ECLS) Symposium: Communal Budget – Between Law, Policy, and Economics Prof. Dr. Gesk
10.9.2022 Legraina, Greece Presentation: Protecting Human Rights through Climate Law Litigation Prof. Dr. Groß
08.9.2022 Annual Meeting of the European Law Institute, Madrid Presentation: 10.Towards ELI ModelPresentation: Rules on Algorithmic Contracts Prof. Dr. Busch
24.8.2022 Korea Legislation Research Institute, Seoul, Korea Presentation: Towards New EU Consumer Protection Rules for Online Financial Services Prof. Dr. Busch
17.06.2022 Waseda University, Tokio Presentation: Freezing – Securing – Seizing – Confiscating – The enforcement of sanctions against Russian oligarchs: a challenge for the rule of law Prof. Dr. Sinn
16.06.2022 Chou University,ToPresentation:kio Presentation: Freezing – Securing – Seizing – Confiscating – The enforcement of sanctions against Russian oligarchs: a challenge for the rule of law Prof. Dr. Sinn
10.06.2022 University of Ferrara, Italy Presentation: The EU Digital Services Act and its coordination with the Digital Content and Services Directive Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
19.5.2022 Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Presentation: The ELI Model Rules on Online Platforms Prof. Dr. Busch
30.4.2022 Freedom of Expression Scholars Conference, Yale Law School, New Haven, USA Presentation: Regulating the Expanding Content Moderation Universe: A European Perspective on Infrastructure Moderation Prof. Dr. Busch
15.4.2022 Conference “Regulating the Online Space”, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Presentation: 14. Regulating the Expanding Content Moderation Universe: A European Perspective on Infrastructure Moderation Prof. Dr. Busch
31.3.2022 Conference “Regulating the Online Space”, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Presentation: Regulating the Expanding Content Moderation Universe: A European Perspective on Infrastructure Moderation Prof. Dr. Busch
14.06.2022 Keio University, Tokio Presentation: The long road to Recording Organized Crime in Germany in Conformity with the Union and International Law Prof. Dr. Sinn
10.06.2022 University of Ferrara, Italy Presentation: The EU Digital Services Act and its coordination with the Digital Content and Services Directive Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
10.06.2022 Waseda University, Tokio Presentation: Opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the criminal procedure Prof. Dr. Sinn
14.-22.05.2022 Nanjing University, China - Johns-Hopkins Center Presentation: Causality, Responsibility, and AI Driven Decisions Prof. Dr. Gesk
10.05.2022 University of Liechtenstein Presentation: Organized Crime and Cybercrime – Fiction or Reality Prof. Dr. Sinn
31.3.2022 Modern Studies in Property Law Conference, Oxford, UK Presentation: Granular Property Law: Recalibrating Optimal Standardization of Property Rights in the Data Economy Prof. Dr. Busch
30.03.2022 University of Chuo, Tokio (online) Presentation: The Situation of Cybercrime in Germany and the European Union – Facts – Trends – Perspectives Prof. Dr. Sinn
26.03.2022 University of Warsaw, Poland Presentation: How to convince a criminal justice system – an introduction into Chinese Criminal Procedure Prof. Dr. Gesk
18.3.2022 Conference “La contratación a través de plataformas intermediarias”, University Complutense, Madrid Presentation: Liability of online platforms Prof. Dr. Busch
10.-22.03.2022 Nanjing University, China - Johns-Hopkins Center Presentation: Legislation as a Market Force – How to tackle Climat Change Prof. Dr. Gesk
12.01.2022 University of Silesia Katowice, Poland (online) Presentation: Digital obligations of sellers in consumer contracts – A paper tiger? Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke

Previous Activities

Date Location Topic Professor
2021 Heidelberg, Academy of Science, Interdisciplinary and international conference Presentation: Securing Human Rights in Transnational Supply Chains – Can a national law solve a global problem? Prof. Dr. Hübner
09.12.2021 Conference “Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues”, University Bonn Presentation: Platform Regulation and Recommender Systems: From Algorithmic Transparency to Algorithmic Choice? Prof. Dr. Busch
03.12.2021 Conference “New Liabilities in Global Value Chains”, Tilburg University Presentation: Platform Social Responsibility Prof. Dr. Busch
12.11.-31.12.2021 China University of Political Science and Law, School of Criminal Justice Presentation: German Criminal Justice System Prof. Dr. Gesk
Nov 21 London, UK Online Panel Discussion by Access Partnership: Balancing Fundamental Rights in Data Regulation in Europe Prof. Dr. Oster
Nov 21 International Online-Conference Conference: Free Speech/Media Law Discussion Forum: Should the EU introduce a Data Ownership Right (DOR) in its legal framework? Prof. Dr. Oster
11.11.2021 American Law Institute Presentation: at Restatement of the Law, Consumer Contracts (Advisers Meeting) Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
21.10.2021 University of Silesia Katowice, Poland Presenatation: Digital obligations of sellers in consumer contracts – A paper tiger? Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
29.10.2021 Symposium “Cross-border Trade Regulation and Online Dispute Settlement” organized by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and UNCITRAL, Beijing Presentation: Consumer rights disputes in cross border e-commerce Prof. Dr. Busch
06.10.2021 Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Presentation: Rethinking Product Liability for Online Marketplaces: A Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
21.-23.09.2021 University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, Toulouse, France ERASMUS Lectures: German Constitutional and Commercial Law Prof. Dr. Dörr
09.9.-30.9.2021 Nanjing University German - Chinese Law Institute Lecture: Criminal Law Course Prof. Dr. Gesk
23.9.2021 49th Policy Research Conference on Communications, Information and the Internet (TPRC49), Washington Presentation: Rethinking Product Liability for Online Marketplaces: A Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
27.7.2021 International Online Seminar on Platform Regulation, Korean Fair Trade Commission, Seoul Presentation: Transparency of Rankings on Digital Platforms Prof. Dr. Busch
25.06.2021 German-Taiwanese Lawyers Association Presentation: on Legal measures for the management of the pandemic in Germany Prof. Dr. Hartmann
20.6.2021 Japanese Consumer Affairs Agency, Tokyo Presentation: Consumer Protection in the Platform Economy: Current Developments in EU and US Law Prof. Dr. Busch
03.5.2021 British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), London Presentation: Product Liability in the Platform Economy in a Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
22.04.2021 Fordham Law School, New York Presentation: Rethinking Product Liability for Online Marketplaces: A Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
11.03.2021 14. United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Kyoto, Japan Presentation: Pharmaceutical crime Prof. Dr. Sinn
03.03.2021 Consumer Law Scholars Conference 2021, Boston Presentation: Rethinking Product Liability for Online Marketplaces: A Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
02.03.2021 University of Vienna, Austria Presentation: Digital Services Act – Implementation, Cooperation, Sanctions and Enforcement Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
01.03.2021 „Conference on Innovation and Digitalisation in Law 2021, Vienna, Austria Presentation: Liability of Digital Service Providers Prof. Dr. Busch